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So Sad!! Blog Visitor About to Lose Her Marriage Speaks Out

I feel terribly betrayed as I reach out to you Laila. My husband and I have been married since the past 6 years and we are still believing God for the fruit of the womb. My husband works with a private firm while I am a civil servant. Prior to our final wedding rites, my husband and I almost separated due to his closeness to a particular female banker, who was using all manner of guises to get close to my husband. At a point, my husband even had to open an account that he does not need with this female banker. One of the conditions I gave for our reconciliation then was that he closed that very account and severe all contacts with the female banker. He obliged. Recently, precisely on Easter monday, while he was deep asleep (in the middle of the
night), an sms came into his phone and out of curiosity, I read it and also used the opportunity to go through his old text messages. I almost passed out. The sms was from the same lady, telling him that she could not sleep. I also saw the pictures she sent him previously. Something about those messages she sends him convinced me that she is quite familiar with his mother. I said nothing to my husband the next day. But I reached out to one of his cousins (who is a born again) and she confirmed my worst fears…my husband has visited his mum with the same lady not less than three times and on each occasion-they passed the night there. The last one was last Saturday. My husband only told me he was going to take a bag of rice home to give his mum for Easter. I even learned that there was a particular period they spent a whole weekend with his mum-who was happily hosting them and even calling the lady ‘my daughter’. I feel betrayed because that is a woman that I give more money than I give to my own mother. A woman I thought I was very close to, who consoles me about our inability to have a child so far. I confronted my husband with all the evidences and he started denying everything. Out of anger, I slapped him and he walked out of the house. Slept out that night and came back the next day. He has been begging me to forgive him but my greatest sorrow comes from the role of his mother in all these. Laila, Please post this and let your followers advise me on how to handle this. Do I confront his mother like a friend suggested? Do I tell my parents to go see his mother? Someone even suggested I make my husband to come beg with his mother. How else do I make him severe contacts with that lady? I am 37 years old.

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